Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Toothless grins and Homeruns...

It seems that every time a milestone passes in our lives, no matter how big or small, I am prompted to write at least a little about it. After 2 years of T-Ball starting in 2004, Truett moved to playing baseball at Carrigan Park in Spring of 2006.    I was reading in Truett's scrapbook a memory that was long ago, yet seems like yesterday: "Our rookie season ended with a grand finale.  We played in the city tournament and had a great time.  Truett's team played very well.  The fourth game we played was against the team that had beaten us in the regular season and had finished first in our league. At this point, the tournament took second place to all other events, because during this game, TRUETT HIT A HOMERUN.  Anything else was just a bonus."   Now he is beginning his final season at Carrigan, one I face with mixed emotions. My son is no longer a toothless little boy but a tall 12 year old young man.  Last night, however, he achieved a long time goal:  he hit a ball out of the park.  His first at bat of the season, in his home park.  It wasn't a make it around the bases as little rookies committed error after error for an in the park home run, but rather a long, soaring hit that landed solidly on the other side of the fence.  One hit by a handsome 12 year old.  One thing that hasn't changed, though, is the winning smile stretching across his face.  That grin of shock and surprise as he rounded second and realized it was truly OVER THE FENCE was just as priceless as that toothless grin that crossed homeplate to the arms of a screaming mother in the dugout.  Now, last night I was still screaming, but I didn't scoop him up in my arms like I did all those years ago.  I subdued myself to a substantial high five and a hug.  I am blessed with a son that loves his family.  He is not embarrassed when I hug him, and he still hugs me every day and kisses me good night.  I hope he never outgrows that.  So, Truett will finish his final year at Carrigan, anxious to earn the "Iron Man" award, an award reserved for players that complete all six years (2 rookie, 2 minor, 2 major) at the park.  What happens after that, we're not sure.  What I do know, is that my oldest son has started his season off with a bang.  And everything after this, is just a bonus.

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh look how big he is now! Love the 2 pixs side by side.
