Thursday, January 15, 2009


I can't believe the first month of 2009 is almost OVER, and I've missed it! Life at the Roberts house has been, to put it mildly, CRAZY. Did you ever feel like there MIGHT be a light at the end of the tunnel, IF you could ever get close enough to the end to see it? That's where we are. We are packing up our old office building, which is so much work in and of itself, but work that is sad, feels so much heavier. We've used every weekend since Christmas to pack up stuff, throw away stuff, and move stuff to a small storage location. If we had the energy, we could be excited about the positive changes, but the sadness of closing our "old" business and saying good bye to precious friends greatly overshadows the new opportunities. It's tiring! A New Year, indeed. Bring it on!

In the midst of all of this, we are planning for a momentous occasion. Our oldest child is turning sweet sixteen next Friday. Wow. How on earth can I be old enough to have a sixteen year old? It simply cannot be! Still, the house is being decked out in pinks and sparkles, ready for the blow out next weekend. I will reflect more on the past 16 years in another post, for now, I just marvel that it is here!

We are about to embark on another Disney sister and her family will arrive tomorrow morning, and I will be "Tour Guide Paige" for the next couple of days. Since our Disney passes expired, much to my children's disappointment, I cannot afford to take them, but truly wanted to enjoy this time with my sister, nieces, and nephew. (My brother in law falls in there somewhere, too.) I would take every friend/family through Disney if I could, wishing that everyone would enjoy it in the way, and as much, as I do. So, in the haste of travel preparations, I now need to log off to prepare for the next few MAGICAL days.

As for my other comments to start off this new year, I continue to trust that God is in control of all of this, and He will provide for our family as well as for those that we love. This new year can bring great hope, not in our governmental leadership, but rather in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who remains constant and true.

God bless you all...HAPPY HAPPY JOYOUS NEW YEAR!!

1 comment:

  1. 16? that seems impossible! I know it is hard to close up shop but it is for the best in the end. Hang in there and enjoy these next few days!
