You can sweep the floor or scrub a toilet.
You can change over a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer.
You can check out what your friends are doing via Facebook or Twitter.
You can send an email to a friend.
You can give a hug, a kiss or a smile.
And in just a minute, your life can be changed forever. A week ago today, my little boy almost drowned. Some mornings this week I woke up thinking what if he really died and I've just lived this week in a dream? EVERY day I imagine him in the water. And every day I'm thankful that we don't have to live through the dying. God gave Wyatt back to us. 6 swimmers within 15 feet, and no one saw him fall in. How does that happen? By not being vigilant in our stewardship of our children. Not that accidents don't happen. Obviously, they do. If we are being good stewards of the children that God has given us, however, there will be lots less opportunities for sorrow.
In a minute...a 3 year old can save his brother's life.
In a minute...a dad can instinctively know how to get the water dispelled.
In a minute...waiting arms beg to hold their baby brother to be reassured that all is well.
In a minute...we can praise God for miracles.
In a minute...
God reminded me "Never think for a MINUTE that I am not watching over you. Never think for a MINUTE that you are alone. I am here. I was with your little boy. He rested in my arms through it all. It was MY choice to give him back to you. Please cherish him until the time that I choose to take him to be with me again."
It probably took about a minute to read this. I pray that it was not a minute wasted, but rather one to remind you to love your little ones, big ones, and all those around you, and remember that it is God who has numbered our days. Let's not waste any of them.
Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.